Make a Difference Day (Feb. 16th)

1/28/2024 6:13 pm


Friday, February 16th 

All school day of service, sponsored by the CV PTO! Parents/caregivers welcome! 

Volunteer sign up coming soon. Each grade will have approximately one hour shift during the school day to participate in a variety of service projects.  Join your CV Bobcat and help us Go MAD! Set up, clean up and other supervisory shifts also available.

Donation Collection January 29-February 2 

  • Volunteers will be collecting at the main entrance before school each day
  • Donation items requested: 
    • Gently used or excess fleece (for cat toys)
    • Pop tops/can tabs (pet food, tennis ball containers, soup tops, etc.) 
    • Books (all age children’s books in gently used condition) 
    • Spare Change (Used to fund future gifts of gratitude for local community helpers)
    • Blank or colored paper/cards
    • Gently used sharpies

Make A Difference Day stations include:

    • Snack Packs and cards for Ronald McDonald House Charities
    • Cat Toys for the Animal Humane Society
    • New this year! Book Exchange 
    • Rock art for those living in Memory/Senior Care Facilities
    • Spare Change Challenge 
    • New this year! Community Helper Station (Meet people in service to our community such as police officers, fire fighters, public works employees)


  • New this year! Pop and can tab opener collection for Ronald McDonald House Charities, Upper Midwest.  
  • Since 1987, the Pop Tab Program has raised over $860,000 to help cover the cost for families staying here in the Twin Cities.
  • The Ronald McDonald House recycles the tabs and receives money for each pound that is recycled (approximately 1,267 pop tabs in a pound)


  • Sensory-friendly areas will be available 

Please contact Jen Skramstad ( if you have any questions about donations, volunteer opportunities, or if you have interest in joining the team!